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Handmade Decorative Art
Robin Clark - Artist
Minden, Nevada
766- God bless America-flagSize: 12 x 17 $50.00 | 657-Flag-god bless america7Size: 7.5 x 14.25 $60.00 | 803-United StatesSize: 5 x 11.5 $30.00 |
779-Battleborn-NevadaSize: 9.5 x 15.75 $100.00 | 798- My Hero on riolite slabSize: 10 x 9 $50.00 | 759-Cross with flagSize: 7.5 x 10 $40.00 |
227-God bless americaSize: 9 x11 $25.00 | 624-God bless AmericaSize: 9.5 x 12 $65.00 | 146 courage w starSize: 9 x 7.5 $15.00 |
582-My hero ovalSize: 9.5 x 7.5 $18.00 | 540-Spirit of AmericaSize: 9 x 12 $50.00 | 497-Hero w starsSize: 5 x 7 $15.00 |
701-AmericaSize: 17.5 x14.5 $60.00 | 504-God bless AmericaSize: 5 x 7 $20.00 |
776-FreedomSize: 16 x 5 $24.00 |
Patriotic and Guns
602-Nevada-gunsSIze: 6 x 10 $28.00 | 706-Nevada-Freedom with gunsSize: 7 x 10 $28.00 | 703-Nevada-God bless AmericaSize: 7 x 9.5 $28.00 |
709-Nevada-gunsSize: 4 x 6 $20.00 | 775-God bless america with gunsSize: 6.5 x 13.75 $30.00 | 431-Box with gunSize: 4 x 6 $15.00 |
816-12 Gauge-gunsSize: 11.5 x 13.5 $60.00 | 560-GunsSize: 4 x 19.5 $25.00 | 543-FreedomSize: 6 x 7.25 $15.00 |
716-Home-NV, gunsSize: 6/25 x 8.25 $24.00 |
736-Mancave manly thingsSize: 15 x6 $35.00 |
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